Finally Taking Over The World is interactive fiction programmed in brainfuck. It is completely written by hand without the use of any compiler or the like.
The story is very simple. Retipuj wants to take over the world. To reach his target he wages a "cold" war against three countries he wants to win round. Whether he manages this or not depends on the numbers (between 0 and 255) the player enters to help him with his decisions. Examples for these are "How many satellites shall be constructed?", "How many employees shall be thrown overboard?" or "How many percent shall the silicone production be cut?".
Sometimes the answers are obvious, sometimes they are mentioned by passing somewhere in the game. To conquer a country all the questions there have to be answered with the correct number. There are 8 different endings.
The prequel to the game Taking Over The World.
Finally Taking Over The World Download 140 KB Windows
Finally Taking Over The World Download 139 KB Linux
Scheme showing the different paths:
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