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Zoga was my first game with graphics. And so it isn't a technical masterpiece.
The gameplay is quickly explained: You control a little piece of sugar that mustn't hit the rain.
At the beginning, the rain is falling slowly, but later it's going to fall faster.
The target is, very classic, to survive as long as possible and to break the highscore. You will receive points
for the survived time and boni that will appear every few seconds.
The game doesn't have a real menu. There are 5 characters with different sounds, who are chosen in the console window.
There's also a two-player-mode. Here you get points if you are touching the bonus object and you loose points if you are
touching the rain. In this mode exists also a little bug which makes possible to reach extremely high scores.
The same game like Zoga, only with other graphics, a menu, but no sounds.
And the bug of the two-player-mode doesn't exist anymore.
A game with a T-Rex
A little shoot'em up that plays a long, long time ago. You control a helicopter with a pilot known from Zoga
(a plane would need scrolling backgrounds and that was too much work for me at this time). In the first level
you must hit 30 enemies before the time is expired. In the second level you must shoot parachutes on the little
Stegosaurus to rescue them. The game wasn't finished really, so it does only exist 2 of the planned 5 levels and
the game doesn't have sounds. But nevertheless I've learned a lot while programming this game: It doesn't work
everything as I like it.
Flying Fly
Technical good graphics aren't the most important of a game. Unfortunately in the last years a lot of people forgot this but that's
another discussion.
In this game, the graphics have a little role. There are only black-and-white flys. The game also has a few sounds. It's
a shoot'em up which is a little bit different. The enemies doesn't end in big explosions but they loose pieces of
their body. If they loose the wings, they can't fly; the weapon, they can't shoot; and if they have lost their head they fly
up and down. There are 4 different flys. It's a highscore game, for every hit you will receive a point. But there can
only be two shots at the same time on the screen.
There's also a two-player-coop-modus. The controls for the first player are 'arrwos'+'ShiftR',
for the second 'w','a','s','d'+'ShiftL'. In the singleplayer-mode you shoot with 'Space'.
And to motivate the highscore hunters: My record is 1705.
This is a sports-game, a mix of Golf and roundbased Tennis. The two players have a stick and try to shoot the ball
over the line of the opponent. If this one can catches the ball, he goes to the middle of the field and tries himself.
The player who reaches at first 7 points wins. The control is simple. Right mouse button to open the shoot window,
left button to load the blow, and the movement of the mouse to target and catch the ball. There are 3 different AI's,
4 different clubs and 4 different fields.